Is Flushing, New York a Safe Place to Live? - An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to safety, Flushing, New York is an excellent place to reside. The crime rate in the city is lower than both the New York State and the national averages. The Dwellics analysis team assigned a score of 66.8 out of 100 for safety.

Is Flushing, New York a Safe Place to Live? - An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to safety, Flushing, New York is an excellent place to reside. The crime rate in the city is 36.53 per 1,000 inhabitants for a standard year, which is lower than both the New York State and the national averages. People who live in Flushing generally consider the northeast part of the city to be the safest. The Dwellics analysis team assigned a score of 66.8 to Flushing, New York (with 100 being the best).

This score helps you find the safest places to live in the United States. When determining if Flushing, New York, is a safe place to live, they looked at factors such as air quality, water quality, crime rates, frequency of natural disasters, rates of substance abuse, cases of cancer, and more. In conclusion, Flushing is a secure place to live. The crime rate is lower than both the state and national averages. Additionally, the Dwellics analysis team gave it a score of 66.8 out of 100 for safety.

This score takes into account many factors that contribute to safety in a city.

Aishat Okolo
Aishat Okolo

Hipster-friendly internet advocate. Passionate twitteraholic. Typical travel maven. Alcohol evangelist. Passionate food geek.